Free Wheelchair Mission

Free Wheelchair Mission

Raising Awareness for People with Disabilities Living in Developing Nations

Key Highlights

Over $3 million in donations

Several national award for a major public relations campaign and company rebrand

National media phenomenon including a cross-country bike ride with high-profile coverage


Free Wheelchair Mission needed a re-brand to raise its national awareness to generate support and donations to provide wheelchairs in developing countries.


After a successful re-brand that included logo and collateral material, a major public relations campaign was launched to raise awareness. This nationwide movement included radio and television campaigns by sending the founder and CEO on a cross-country bike ride, cultivating a national media phenomenon. In one year’s time, media coverage included Reader’s Digest, USA Today, CBS Early Show and Orange County Register and others. The campaign generated over $3 million in donations and won several national awards. To-date, Free Wheelchair Mission has distributed over 500,000 wheelchairs to the underprivileged in developing countries.

Earned Media Partial List